Expand globally. Trade locally.

Our electronic money accounts, powered by Ebury Partners, help solve the treasury and foreign exchange challenges faced by many businesses expanding into the UK market. We can set up accounts within days, enabling our clients to become operational in the UK quickly and easily.

We’re proud to be recommended by a large international network, including the Department for International Trade, International Chambers of Commerce, global law/accountancy firms and the Mayor of London’s investment agency - London & Partners.

Remote access

Remote access

Remote set up

We enable remote set up of UK-based GBP accounts in your business name and with unique IBAN/account numbers without the need for a local presence.

Control remotely

Control your accounts remotely from any country in the world.

Expand further afield

Local accounts are also available in over 26 countries (incl. Europe, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia & NZ) and in over 35 currencies.

Operate in new markets faster

Operate in new markets faster

Rapid set up

Accounts provided within hours.

No need for UK staff

Accounts can be opened without UK-based staff, directors or owners.

Manage from one platform

Quickly send/receive both local and international payments and exchange currency balances, all on one innovative platform.

Enhanced security

Employing the latest security technology. Two-factor authentication login, multi-level user permissions, advanced cloud technologies and TLS encrypted data transmissions. Learn more

Make key payments quickly

Make key payments quickly

UK authority registration

Register with the relevant UK authorities (e.g. HMRC).

Pay your staff

Make payroll transfers efficiently across multiple currencies with a single file upload.

Keep expansion costs down

Easily send funds to and from parent company with competitive exchange rates.

Control your investment

Manage your FX risk with our hedging products.


For further information, please speak to a member of our team or see our frequently asked questions.



Opening an account with Meridian Solutions is simple and there’s no obligation to trade. Please click below to complete our application form and let us start adding value to your business.

© Meridian Solutions 2024